Functional Skills Level 2
As mentioned in our previous blog, the functional skills level 2 in Maths and English are essential qualifications for the completion of apprenticeship schemes. If workers do not have a GCSE maths and English qualification when starting an apprenticeship then they will have to gain the level 2 qualifications in order to complete the scheme. The following service is recommended as the best service to help with level 2 functional skills.
For the level 2 exams:
Functional skills level 2 maths exam
Online functional skills English level 2 online exam
For those who may need some additional support in terms of resources we recommend getting stuck into the functional skills level 2 past papers as well as the free revision martials provided below.
The level 2 maths and English are set to a specific standard which is overseen by the UK government and the exams regulator Ofqual. Therefore it doesn't matter which exam boards learners sit with, whether this is City and Guilds or NCFE, they all cover the same topic areas. From experience most learners find the maths functional skills a little more tricky than the English, but this does vary from person to person.
For a functional skills tutor then our partner service Skipton Tutors can help.