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A Level Maths Past Papers

When looking into writing weekly about the resources designed to help students, we want to ensure that what we recommend is of the highest quality. A task that we have achieved in regard to the A-level maths past exam papers. Which is one of the most effective ways of revising long term.

The value of reliable and accurate past papers cannot be argued against. However many end up not using said papers appropriately. Many schools will attempt to use A-level maths past exam papers throughout the year. Meanwhile, studies have shown that students would benefit more from using past papers at the end of the year before their exams. This allows the opportunity to identify gaps in the student’s knowledge and remedy it before the exam date arrives.

When a student takes A-level maths past exam papers throughout the year, this familiarises the learner with the different types of questions. Thus no longer making the past papers a way to test the student's knowledge. Ideally, students will benefit more from taking a past paper that they have not encountered. With questions that will challenge what they have learned throughout the year.

The benefits of A-level maths past exam papers don’t stop there. The final mark that you receive from the past papers doesn’t mean much in the long run. The real value of the past papers is the mistakes the student made and where the marks were lost. Helping to highlight the topics that the learner still needs to work on. Once this area has been found, the student should study intensively before taking the next A-level maths past exam papers. This has two main benefits, the first to show the student how much they have improved. And the second is to expose the learner to possible new topics that they can test their knowledge against. This process is best repeated up to the day of the exam for the best results.


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